
Why Father's Day Is Celebrated

Celebrating the Impact of Father's Day

By Natanya Bertin, Publisher Macaroni KID New City - Nyack June 16, 2024

What is the Reason We Celebrate Father's Day

Father's Day is an important occasion that allows us to honor and celebrate the fathers, grandfathers, and father figures who play pivotal roles in our lives. These men often work tirelessly and make numerous sacrifices to provide for their families, offering not just financial support but also emotional stability, guidance, and love. Celebrating Father's Day is a way to recognize their hard work and dedication, showing appreciation for their unwavering commitment and the countless ways they enrich our lives. It serves as a reminder to acknowledge the significant impact they have on shaping our values, beliefs, and overall well-being.

Furthermore, Father's Day is not just a day to honor fathers, but it also catalyzes strengthening family bonds and creating lasting memories. By dedicating a day to celebrating and spending quality time together, we reinforce the importance of family and the value of expressing gratitude. This celebration also offers a chance to reflect on the positive influence that fathers and father figures have, not only within their own families but also within the broader community. Recognizing their contributions helps to promote a culture of appreciation and respect, fostering a sense of connection and unity that benefits everyone. The impact of Father's Day extends beyond the family unit, contributing to the social fabric of our society.

Why Do We Celebrate Father's Day

Sonora Smart Dodd, a key figure in the history of Father's Day, was born in 1882 in Arkansas. Her inspiration to create a day to honor fathers came after listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909. Her father, William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran and a single parent, raised Sonora and her five siblings after their mother's death (Churuvija, 2023). Impressed by his dedication and sacrifices, Dodd proposed the idea of a special day for fathers, similar to Mother's Day. She shared her idea with local churches, the YMCA, and government officials in Spokane, Washington, where she lived. Her efforts led to the first Father's Day celebration in Spokane on June 19, 1910. Dodd's campaign gained national recognition, culminating in President Lyndon B. Johnson's proclamation in 1966, designating the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. The holiday was officially established as a national holiday by President Richard Nixon in 1972, marking the historical significance of Father's Day in the United States.

While Mother's Day quickly became a widely celebrated holiday, Father's Day faced a slower journey toward national recognition. Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge actively embraced the concept in 1916 and 1924, with Coolidge even urging states to observe it. While these efforts were made, Father's Day would only be officially recognized throughout the nation for a few years to come. It was on the third Sunday of June in 1966 that President Lyndon B. Johnson declared Father's Day. National Father's Day didn't become a permanent holiday until 1972, when President Richard Nixon signed the law (The History Of Father’s Day, 2021).

Father's Day was established as a national holiday in the 1970s, largely due to male opposition. Many men believed that the holiday's customs, such as giving gifts and sending flowers, were not in keeping with their sense of masculinity. The business world viewed it as another opportunity to exploit families by promoting unnecessary spending on gifts. Surprisingly, in the 1920s and 1930s, there was a movement that sought to eliminate both Mother's Day and Father's Day, advocating for a combined Parent's Day instead to honor both parents equally. Mother's Day has remained on the calendar despite these obstacles, while Father's Day eventually gained enough traction to be recognized as a national holiday.

Why Should We Celebrate Father's Day

While Father's Day initially sparked controversy, society's view of fathers has shifted significantly over time. In the early 1900s, fathers were often overlooked for their influence on their children, with most psychological studies focusing primarily on mothers. The importance of fathers in child development was recognized by psychologists as early as the 1970s. Father's Day is a great way to honor and recognize fathers and their contribution to families due to the increasing awareness of fathers and their effect on their families.

Emotional, social, and intellectual well-being are more common in children whose fathers are actively involved in their lives. Compared to children whose fathers are away, these kids are better able to control their conduct and emotions under stressful situations. On the other hand, children whose fathers are absent are more likely to act in ways that could endanger them. This has resulted in a drive for male mentors in elementary schools.


Although mothers have historically been seen as the primary caretakers, changes in society have given women greater possibilities in the workforce and increased father involvement in child care. Parenting roles are changing, as evidenced by the fact that modern fathers contribute to domestic chores, spend quality time with their children, and support their families.

However, our fathers are only sometimes present to celebrate. You can still commemorate a grandfather or male mentor if your father has passed away, is alive but not present, or you do not have a spouse and children. Feel free to share a happy Father's Day greeting with a man who has had a significant impact on your life, such as a priest, coach, or teacher. Father's Day is also an excellent opportunity to honor a friend or neighbor who is a parent. 

How Can We Celebrate Father's Day

Our earthly fathers don't always have positive ties with us or hold positive beliefs about fatherhood. Spend the day remembering that your heavenly Father, who loves you and is the ideal father, will provide for you if your father mistreats or neglects you. Remember, even if your earthly father has not been a positive influence in your life, you are cherished and loved by your heavenly Father, who is the epitome of love and care. Take comfort in knowing that God's love for you is unconditional and unwavering, regardless of your earthly circumstances.

We can honor our fathers in many different ways. We can buy them unique presents, treat them to a game of baseball at their ballpark, give them a day at the golf course, or buy them a card that says how great they are. Another way to commemorate Father's Day is to organize a BBQ for all of the family's fathers, including siblings, uncles, and grandfathers. If you don't live close to family, you can get together with a few close friends who are also fathers or throw a block party to honor the fathers in your community.

Although we tend to think of women as sentimental, fathers like hearing from their children about how much they adore them and why they believe their fathers are wonderful. They enjoy playing the roles of the heroes in the tale, the ones who come to the rescue and improve the lives of their spouses and kids. Visit for further suggestions on Father's Day celebrations; check out 50 Fun Ideas to Celebrate Father's Day.


Churuvija, G. (2023) The Origin of Father’s Day: Honoring the Unsung ekontea.

The History Of Father’s Day (2021) FamilyToday