
Feature Article Opportunity

Boost Your Business with Macaroni KID Sponsorship

By Natanya Bertin, Macaroni KID New City - Nyack July 28, 2024

In today's competitive market, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to stand out and connect with their target audience. One of the most effective strategies is to become a sponsor for a reputable local platform. At Macaroni KID, we offer a unique opportunity for businesses to increase their visibility and engagement through our Feature Article Sponsorship.

Why Choose Macaroni KID?

Macaroni KID New City is a trusted source of local event information, family-friendly activities, and community news. With a rapidly growing subscriber base and an engaged audience of parents and families, sponsoring a feature article on our platform ensures your business reaches a relevant and attentive audience.

Benefits of a Feature Article Sponsorship

1. Targeted Exposure

By sponsoring a feature article, your business will be showcased directly to our dedicated readers who trust Macaroni KID for quality content. This targeted exposure increases the likelihood of your message resonating with potential customers.

2. Enhanced Credibility

   Being featured in an article on Macaroni KID adds a layer of credibility and trust to your brand. Our readers rely on us for recommendations and local insights, and your association with our platform can enhance your business's reputation.

3. SEO Benefits

   Feature articles are optimized for search engines, providing long-term visibility for your business. As families search for local services and products, your business will have a better chance of appearing in their search results.

4. Engaging Content

   A well-crafted article allows you to tell your brand story compellingly. Share your business journey, highlight your unique offerings, and connect with readers on a personal level. Engaging content can drive interest and encourage readers to learn more about your business.

 What’s Included in the Feature Article Sponsorship?

- Custom Written Article: Our talented writers will create a custom article that highlights your business, services, and unique selling points. We'll work closely with you to make sure the content matches your brand voice and message.

- High-Quality Images: The article will feature high-quality images to make it visually appealing and engaging for readers. You can provide your images, or we can arrange for professional photography if needed.

- Social Media Promotion: The article will be promoted across our social media channels, reaching an even broader audience. This includes posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, tailored to maximize engagement.

- Newsletter Inclusion: Your feature article will be included in our weekly newsletter, delivered directly to the inboxes of our subscribers. This ensures your message reaches our most dedicated readers.

 How to Get Started

Becoming a feature article sponsor is simple. Here's how you can get started:

1. Contact Us: Reach out to to express your interest in sponsoring a feature article. We will provide you with all the necessary details and answer any questions you may have.

2. Share Your Story: Provide us with information about your business, including any key messages or themes you want to highlight. Our team will collaborate with you to create a compelling narrative that resonates with our audience.   

3. Review and Approve: Once the article is drafted, you will have the opportunity to review and approve the content before it goes live. We want to ensure you are completely satisfied with the final product.

4. Watch Your Business Grow: Once published, watch as your business gains increased visibility and engagement from our readers. Take advantage of the additional exposure through our social media promotions and newsletter inclusion.

Success Stories

Many businesses have already benefited from sponsoring feature articles on Macaroni KID. From local boutiques and restaurants to family-friendly attractions and service providers, our feature articles have helped businesses grow their customer base and enhance their brand presence in the community.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating a feature article sponsorship into your marketing strategy is a powerful way to connect with your target audience and boost your business. At Macaroni KID New City, we are committed to supporting local businesses and helping them succeed. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase your business to a highly engaged and loyal audience.

For more information or to get started with your feature article sponsorship, contact us today. Let’s work together to make your business shine!

Macaroni KID New City—Nyack is a free local event and activities calendar, weekly e-newsletter, and website focused on fun family events and information in New City, Nyack, North Rockland, and surrounding rural areas. We gather all kinds of local family events and activities each week and add useful information about classes, family-focused local businesses, recipes, crafts, school and camp guides, and more.  

Are we missing something? Please use our Submit an Event form to send us all the details! If you have original recipes, crafts, or family fall fun ideas that you would like to share with our Macaroni KID community, please email Be sure to include a poster or image if you have one!