
What's the Most Memorable Mysterious Object You've Ever Found?

By Natanya Bertin | Publisher Macaroni KID New City - Nyack August 12, 2024

Have You Ever Come Across an Old, Mysterious Object That Made You Wonder About Its History or Secrets?

As a lover of stories and local history, I’ve always been fascinated by the mysterious and the unknown. There’s something undeniably intriguing about discovering an old, forgotten object and wondering about the stories it holds. Have you ever stumbled upon something that made you pause and think, “What secrets does this hold? What stories could it tell?”

Perhaps it was a dusty box found in the attic, filled with letters from a time long past. Maybe it was a piece of jewelry passed down through generations, its origins, and journey a mystery even to your own family. Or it could have been something as simple as an old book, with notes scribbled in the margins that hinted at the life of its previous owner. These objects, often ordinary on the surface, have the power to ignite our imaginations and take us on a journey through time.

One of the most exciting aspects of finding a mysterious object is the story it could tell. Was it a cherished possession of someone important? Did it witness historical events, or was it involved in a family drama that has since been forgotten? Each scratch, each faded mark, or each worn corner adds to the mystery, making us wonder what kind of life the object had before it ended up in our hands.

I remember once coming across an old key in a secondhand bookstore. It was tucked inside a hollowed-out book, the pages carefully carved to create a hidden compartment. The key itself was small, ornate, and clearly very old. But what did it open? Who had hidden it there, and why? To this day, I still wonder about the secrets that key might unlock.

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s easy to forget the allure of these quiet mysteries. But taking the time to ponder them can be a delightful escape, a way to connect with the past, and even a way to spark our creativity. That’s why I’m reaching out to you, our wonderful readers—have you ever come across an old, mysterious object that made you wonder about its history or secrets? 

I’d love to hear your stories! Whether you found something in your own home, at a flea market, or even during a visit to a local historical site, share your discoveries with us. You can post your story in the comments section or, even better, share a photo of the object on social media using the hashtag #MacKidMysteriousFinds. Let’s take a journey into the unknown together and see what stories we can uncover!

And, speaking of mysteries, I have something special coming your way. Starting on August 21, 2024, we’ll be launching a new mystery series story set right here in our backyard. It’s called “The Case of the Missing Locket,” and it’s a tale filled with secrets, suspense, and a touch of local history. Each week, we’ll reveal a new part of the story, keeping you on the edge of your seat. But for now, let’s share our real-life mysteries and see where our imaginations take us.

So, what have you found that made you pause and wonder? I can’t wait to hear about your discoveries!

Macaroni KID New City—Nyack is a free local event and activities calendar, weekly e-newsletter, and website focused on fun family events and information in New City, Nyack, North Rockland, and surrounding rural areas. We gather all kinds of local family events and activities each week and add useful information about classes, family-focused local businesses, recipes, crafts, school and camp guides, and more.  

Are we missing something? Please use our Submit an Event form to send us all the details! If you have original recipes, crafts, or family fall fun ideas that you would like to share with our Macaroni KID community, please email Be sure to include a poster or image if you have one!