
100 Things To Do With Your Children When They're Bored

Start the weekend with a list of activities to keep the children entertained.

By Natanya Bertin | Publisher Macaroni KID New City - Nyack August 16, 2024

As parents, we've all heard the dreaded phrase, "I'm bored!" It can strike fear into our hearts, especially on a long weekend or during a slow afternoon. But fear not! We've compiled a list of 100 fun and engaging activities to keep your kids entertained and their minds active. Whether you're stuck indoors or have the whole outdoors to explore, there's something here for everyone.

 Indoor Activities

1. Create a DIY Craft Station: Gather supplies like paper, markers, glue, and old magazines for a creative session.

2. Build a Fort: Use pillows, blankets, and furniture to create a cozy hideaway.

3. Host a Movie Marathon: Pick a theme, grab some popcorn, and enjoy a day of films.

4. Bake Cookies Together: Get the kids involved in measuring, mixing, and decorating.

5. Set Up an Indoor Treasure Hunt: Hide small toys or treats and create clues to guide them.

6. Read a Book Aloud: Choose a family favorite and take turns reading chapters.

7. Create a Family Time Capsule: Fill it with drawings, letters, and small keepsakes to open in the future.

8. Have a Dance Party: Play some upbeat music and let everyone show off their moves.

9. Play Board Games: Dust off those classic games and enjoy some friendly competition.

10. Do a Puzzle Together: Challenge your minds with a large puzzle, perfect for teamwork.

 Outdoor Adventures

11. Go on a Nature Walk: Explore your local park or trail, collecting leaves and rocks as you go.

12. Set Up an Obstacle Course: Use household items to create a fun, challenging course in your backyard.

13. Have a Water Balloon Fight: Cool off with some water-filled fun on a hot day.

14. Start a Garden: Plant flowers or vegetables and watch them grow together.

15. Fly a Kite: On a breezy day, head to an open space and enjoy the timeless joy of kite flying.

16. Organize a Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items to find in your neighborhood.

17. Go for a Bike Ride: Explore new paths or just enjoy a ride around the block.

18. Camp Out in the Backyard: Set up a tent and enjoy a night under the stars.

19. Paint Rocks: Collect smooth stones and decorate them with colorful designs.

20. Play a Sport: Toss a frisbee, kick a soccer ball, or shoot some hoops.

 Get Creative

21. Make Homemade Playdough: Simple ingredients make for hours of molding fun.

22. Write and Perform a Play: Encourage your children to create their own story and act it out.

23. Create a Family Art Gallery: Hang up your kids' artwork around the house.

24. Make a Time-Lapse Video: Document a project from start to finish and watch it unfold.

25. Host a Talent Show: Let each family member showcase their special skills.

26. Do a Science Experiment: There are plenty of safe, easy experiments you can do at home.

27. Start a Scrapbook: Collect photos and memorabilia to document a special time.

28. Paint a Mural: Use a large sheet of paper to create a collaborative family artwork.

29. Create a Vision Board: Use magazines and cutouts to represent dreams and goals.

30. Make Puppets: Use socks or paper bags to craft characters and put on a puppet show.

 Learning & Discovery

31. Try a New Recipe: Teach your kids basic cooking skills by preparing a meal together.

32. Learn a New Language: Start with basic words and phrases in a language of their choice.

33. Visit a Virtual Museum: Many museums offer online tours and exhibits to explore.

34. Start a Family Book Club: Pick a book to read together and discuss.

35. Learn Origami: Follow online tutorials to fold paper into beautiful shapes.

36. Teach Basic Sewing: Help your child make a simple project like a pillow or tote bag.

37. Explore the Stars: Learn about constellations and stargaze on a clear night.

38. Learn to Play an Instrument: Practice basic chords or notes on a piano, guitar, or another instrument.

39. Watch Educational Videos: Choose a topic of interest and learn something new together.

40. Start a Journal: Encourage your child to write about their day, thoughts, or dreams.

 Physical Activities

41. Do Yoga Together: Follow a family-friendly yoga routine.

42. Try a Dance Workout: Find a video that combines dancing and exercise.

43. Have a Relay Race: Set up a relay course and time each other for fun.

44. Do a Family Workout: Create a routine that includes everyone’s favorite exercises.

45. Learn a New Sport: Teach your kids the basics of tennis, badminton, or another sport.

46. Jump Rope: See who can jump the longest or learn new tricks.

47. Play Tag: Simple and timeless, this game never gets old.

48. Go Roller Skating: Find a smooth path or rink to skate together.

49. Practice Martial Arts: Watch tutorials or take a class to learn basic moves.

50. Do a Nature Hike: Find a local trail and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.

 Artistic Endeavors

51. Paint Ceramics: Buy a kit or find plain ceramics to paint and personalize.

52. Make Jewelry: String beads or use other materials to create unique pieces.

53. Create a Family Song: Write lyrics and come up with a tune that represents your family.

54. Try Tie-Dye: Experiment with colors and patterns on old shirts or fabric.

55. Do a Photography Project: Give your child a camera and a theme to capture in pictures.

56. Draw a Comic Strip: Create characters and tell a story through drawings.

57. Create a Storybook: Write and illustrate a story together.

58. Make a Collage: Use old magazines and newspapers to create an artistic collage.

59. Design T-Shirts: Use fabric markers or paint to customize plain shirts.

60. Make a Photo Album: Print out pictures and organize them into a special album.

 Community & Connection

61. Write Letters to Family: Send notes to grandparents, cousins, or friends.

62. Create a Kindness Calendar: Plan one act of kindness each day.

63. Volunteer Together: Find a local organization where you can help out.

64. Make Care Packages: Put together packages for those in need or for soldiers overseas.

65. Host a Virtual Playdate: Set up a video call with friends for a group activity.

66. Plan a Surprise for a Neighbor: Bake cookies or leave a kind note.

67. Do a Family Gratitude Jar: Write down things you’re grateful for and share them.

68. Help Clean Up Your Neighborhood: Collect trash or plant flowers in public spaces.

69. Share a Skill: Teach your child something you know well, like knitting or woodworking.

70. Visit a Nursing Home (Virtually): Arrange a virtual visit to brighten someone's day.

 Tech & DIY Projects

71. Create a YouTube Channel: Document family activities or share your child’s hobbies.

72. Build a Robot: Use a kit or recycled materials to create a simple robot.

73. Learn Coding: Start with beginner-friendly websites to learn basic programming.

74. Make a Stop-Motion Video: Use toys or drawings to create a short animation.

75. Build a Birdhouse: Follow a tutorial to make a home for local birds.

76. Set Up a Family Blog: Share your adventures, projects, and memories online.

77. Create a Rube Goldberg Machine: Design a complex contraption to perform a simple task.

78. Build a Model: Put together a model car, plane, or building.

79. Try Woodworking: Make a simple project like a bird feeder or picture frame.

80. Experiment with 3D Printing: Design and print small objects using a 3D printer.

 Creative Play & Imagination

81. Play Dress-Up: Use old clothes and costumes for imaginative play.

82. Host a Tea Party: Invite stuffed animals or dolls for an afternoon of fun.

83. Build with LEGO: Create a theme and work together on a LEGO masterpiece.

84. Make Paper Airplanes: See who can design the best-flying plane.

85. Create a Fairy Garden: Use small plants and decorations to make a magical outdoor space.

86. Have a Pet Parade: Dress up your pets and show them off.

87. Invent a New Game: Come up with rules and playtest a brand-new game.

88. Play Charades: Act out different scenarios or characters for others to guess.

89. Do Face Painting: Take turns painting each other’s faces with fun designs.

90. Plan a Backyard Adventure: Create a storyline and let your child lead the quest.

 Seasonal Fun

91. Decorate for the Holidays: Get a head start on seasonal decorations.

92. Make Homemade Ice Cream: Experiment with different flavors and toppings.

93. Create Snow Art: Use food coloring to paint on the snow (winter).

94. Host a Picnic: Pack lunch and eat outside, even if it's in your backyard.

95. Make Leaf Crafts: Collect colorful leaves and use them for art projects (fall).

96. Do a Beach Day at Home: Set up a sandbox, kiddie pool, and beach towels.

97. Create a DIY Advent Calendar: Make a countdown to a special day with treats or activities.

98. Make Hot Chocolate Bombs: Prepare these fun, melt-in-your-mouth treats.

99. Plan a S’mores Night: Set up a fire pit or use the oven to make s’mores (summer/fall).

100. Do a Winter Wonderland Walk: Bundle up and explore the beauty of the winter season.

No matter the day or the mood, there’s always something you can do to beat boredom and make lasting memories with your kids. From creative projects to outdoor adventures, these activities will keep everyone engaged and having fun. Share your family’s unique traditions and inspire others! And don’t miss our article, 101 Questions To Ask Your Grandparents While You Still Have Time, for ideas on how to connect with loved ones and preserve precious memories.

Do you have a unique family tradition or a new idea you'd like to share? Submit your stories or suggestions for future articles to We look forward to celebrating the wonderful traditions that make our families special!

Macaroni KID New City—Nyack is a free local event and activities calendar, weekly e-newsletter, and website focused on fun family events and information in New City, Nyack, North Rockland, and surrounding rural areas. We gather all kinds of local family events and activities each week and add useful information about classes, family-focused local businesses, recipes, crafts, school and camp guides, and more.  

Are we missing something? Please use our Submit an Event form to send us all the details! If you have original recipes, crafts, or family fall fun ideas that you would like to share with our Macaroni KID community, please email Be sure to include a poster or image if you have one!