
The Secret Recipe

The Missing Ingredient

By Natanya Bertin | Publisher Macaroni KID New City - Nyack September 3, 2024

The Missing Ingredient

The morning sun bathed New City in a warm glow as Prudence “Prue” Kramer began her day. It was a routine she cherished: starting her day with a brisk walk through the park, greeting familiar faces, and sipping on a steaming cup of coffee from the local café. Today, she chatted with Mrs. Palmer, the local librarian, about the latest book club pick and exchanged waves with the mail carrier, Mr. Thompson, who had a new batch of newsletters for the community.

Back at Kramer’s Sweet Treats, Prue slipped into her apron and began preparing for the day’s baking. Each morning, without fail, she meticulously reviewed her daily prep list and checked on the ingredients she needed for the day. Her bakery, a cozy haven of sweet aromas and cheerful decor, was her pride and joy.

As the morning unfolded, the familiar sound of the bakery doorbell chimed, signaling the arrival of Michelle Lovett, Prue’s best friend. Michelle, a savvy Realtor with a keen sense of the community, was a regular visitor to the bakery. With her two children often in tow, she knew Prue’s daily routine well. Today, she was on a mission to catch up with her friend and chat about the upcoming New City Food Festival.

“Morning, Prue!” Michelle called out, giving Prue a warm hug. “I’m excited to hear about what you’re baking for the festival. The whole neighborhood is buzzing!”

Prue’s face lit up as she led Michelle to her office, a small, cluttered space filled with recipe notebooks and baking paraphernalia. “I’m working on something special this year—my new chocolate cake recipe. It’s going to be the highlight of the festival, I just know it.”

They entered the office, where Prue had left the recipe the night before. As Prue began to search for it, her fingers fumbled through piles of paper and ingredients. Her normally composed demeanor shifted to one of frantic desperation. “Michelle, it’s gone! The recipe—it’s not here!”

Michelle tried to reassure her, though she was clearly concerned. “I’m sure it’s around here somewhere. Let’s take a deep breath and look through everything. It’s got to be here.”

Just then, the bakery’s bell rang again, and in walked Jack, the local history buff and amateur sleuth. He was a familiar face in the bakery, known for his love of Prue’s pastries. Rosa, the college student and part-time bakery assistant, was behind the counter, helping Jack choose a selection of treats.

“Hey, Jack,” Rosa greeted him with a smile. “Prue’s in her office if you need her.”

Jack, intrigued by the commotion in the office, asked, “Everything alright? You seem a bit on edge.”

Rosa briefly mentioned, “Oh, Prue’s recipe for the festival went missing. It’s causing quite a stir.”

As Prue and Michelle continued their search, discussing potential places where the recipe might be, they emerged from the office, still deep in conversation. They didn’t notice Jack, who was now standing at the counter, feeling a pang of sympathy for Prue’s predicament.

Jack, who knew Prue well, approached her with a sympathetic smile. “Hey Prue, I heard about the missing recipe. I’m really sorry to hear about this. If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.”

Prue, grateful but overwhelmed, managed a small smile. “Thanks, Jack. I appreciate it. I’m just hoping we find it soon.”

As Jack enjoyed his treats and chatted with Rosa, Michelle and Prue continued their search, determined to uncover the missing recipe before the festival. Little did they know, the mystery of the missing recipe was just beginning, and the clues would lead them on a journey through New City’s bustling community and hidden secrets.