
The Secret of the Hidden Capsules

The Roman Colosseum

By Natanya Bertin | Publisher Macaroni KID New City - Nyack September 5, 2024

Henry and Penelope couldn't stop thinking about their incredible journey to ancient Egypt. After returning to their grandmother's attic, they couldn’t wait to see where the mysterious map and capsules would take them next. 

One rainy afternoon, they found themselves back in the attic with Jasper, the map spread out before them. Penelope noticed that one of the XXs on the map seemed to be glowing faintly.

"Henry, look! Another one!" Penelope exclaimed, pointing at the glowing mark.

Henry's heart raced with excitement. "Let’s see where this one leads!"

The twins quickly gathered their supplies—flashlights, a notebook, and a compass—just in case. They followed the map’s clues, which led them to an old, creaky trunk at the far end of the attic. Inside, they found another small metal capsule, similar to the one that had taken them to Egypt. 

“Ready?” Henry asked, holding the capsule in his hand.

“Ready,” Penelope replied, gripping Jasper’s leash.

As they opened the capsule, a familiar glowing light filled the attic. Once again, they felt themselves being lifted off the ground and spinning through a vortex of colors. When the spinning stopped, they landed with a soft thud, finding themselves in a completely different place.

The air was filled with the sound of hammering, shouting, and the clatter of stone against stone. Henry and Penelope looked around in awe as they realized they were standing in the middle of a massive construction site. Tall stone walls were rising around them, and workers bustled everywhere, carrying heavy blocks and chiseling intricate designs into the stone.

"Where are we?" Penelope asked, her voice filled with wonder.

Henry squinted up at the towering structure in front of them. "I think we’re in ancient Rome... and that looks like the Colosseum!"

Jasper barked and sniffed the ground excitedly. The twins knew they had traveled back in time again, but now the question was—why were they here? And what were they supposed to find?

As they began exploring, a friendly young boy about their age noticed them. He was dressed in a simple tunic and sandals and approached them with a curious expression.

“Salve!” the boy greeted them in Latin. Though Henry and Penelope couldn’t understand his words, they smiled back, hoping to make a friend.

The boy introduced himself as Marcus. Through gestures and a few words they recognized, Marcus explained that his father was one of the builders working on the Colosseum. He seemed puzzled by the twins’ strange clothes but was too polite to say anything.

Marcus led them through the construction site, showing them the enormous stones being hoisted into place and the intricate carvings that would decorate the Colosseum's arches. He explained, with a few words and hand motions, that this would be a grand arena where people would gather to watch gladiators fight and see spectacular performances.

As they followed Marcus, Henry noticed something unusual near the base of one of the walls—a small, hidden compartment that seemed out of place among the ancient stones. Penelope nudged him, and they both crouched down to investigate. Inside the compartment was another glowing stone, just like the one they had found in Egypt.

“This must be it!” Penelope whispered excitedly. “This is our way back home.”

Before they could retrieve the stone, a loud voice echoed across the site. A stern-looking man dressed in a Roman tunic and armor approached them. Marcus quickly stepped in front of Henry and Penelope, speaking rapidly to the man in Latin. The man glanced at the twins, his expression a mix of confusion and suspicion, but he seemed to trust Marcus and eventually nodded before walking away.

Marcus smiled and gave them a thumbs-up, signaling that they were safe. Henry and Penelope breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for their new friend’s help.

They quickly grabbed the glowing stone from the compartment. Penelope turned to Marcus, who watched them with a mix of curiosity and sadness. She reached out and handed him a small keepsake she had in her pocket—a shiny button from her jacket—as a token of their gratitude. Marcus accepted it with a smile, though he clearly didn’t understand its significance.

“Thank you, Marcus,” Henry said, even though he knew Marcus couldn’t understand him. He hoped the boy knew how much they appreciated his kindness.

Holding the stones together, the twins felt the ground trembling beneath them. Jasper barked, and the glowing light surrounded them once more. As the world spun around them, they waved goodbye to Marcus, who stood watching them with wide eyes.

When the spinning stopped, Henry, Penelope, and Jasper found themselves back in their grandmother's attic, the second capsule and glowing stone in hand.

“We did it!” Penelope said, breathless with excitement. “We were really in ancient Rome!”

“And we got the second capsule,” Henry added, holding it up triumphantly. “I wonder where the next one will take us.”

Jasper wagged his tail, ready for whatever adventure lay ahead. The twins knew there were still more secrets to uncover, and they couldn’t wait to see where the hidden capsules would take them next.

But the adventure doesn’t stop here! 🌟

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