

AuPairCare offers affordable, flexible live-in child care. A Department of State sponsored program that allows experienced caregivers from around the world to provide child care according to YOUR schedule. We have au pairs specially trained in taking care of children with special needs as well as infant specialized au pairs. Many families that work outside of normal working business hours use the program to avoid the stress of finding care for their children. No more taking off of work for school closings and sniffles!

Au Pairs are young people ranging from 18-26 years of age. They speak English and come to the US with an International Driver's License. After a host family applies to the program they will be able to view the au pair's child care experience, formal essay and videos where au pairs talk about themselves and what they have to offer. Au Pairs arrive in the US and train at our exclusive Au Pair Academy. Au Pairs and host families are supported throughout the entire program by their local Area Director as well as out corporate offices. Affordable, live-in care for $355.00/week.

Contact Jodi McCoy